Thursday, August 25, 2011


beetle - acrylic on cardboard / 6.75 x 4.25 inches
my entomological love spreads to painting. it is funny how my urge to spell beetle leans to the band name and not the insect. i actually had to check just to be sure.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


CPSA(E) - acrylic on cardboard / 6.5 x 5 inches
This is a piece of an add for the CPSA(E) corporation that provides space travel for green skinned space men

Sunday, August 21, 2011

gojira has anagramexia

gojira has anagramexia - pen and water color
a lot of my characters have things to say but their words get jumbled. It was newly recognized by the Arisde Journal of Facetious Learning Disabilities as a symptom of anagramexia which causes words to come out as a completely jumbled mess of letters. We'll be setting up a foundation soon with a place where you can donate money so fictional characters like gojira will finally be understood.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

patchwork squid

I was doodling the day away at John Beeman's house
His offer of watercolors was not refused

Friday, August 19, 2011

brontosaurus in sheep's clothing

brontosaurus in sheep's clothing - acrylic on cardboard / 7.75 x 6.25 inches
i really think this happened. But we'll never know because the wool that was used by the dinosaurs would not have fossilized properly.
This was the original sketch for the painting.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

xoxo, parrot

xoxo, parrot - acrylic on newspaper / 7.5 x 6 inches
if i am not mistaken this was my 2nd try at painting on newspaper.


hi folks and kiddies out there in TV land. after a flirtation with web design i decided to throw caution to the wind and just go ahead and publish a blog format site for now. one of these days this site will change and you can say, "i liked it better when it was a blog"

you are soooo cool.